How to incorporate feature walls in your home

Image Source: The Lovely Drawer

Turn your walls into feature displays by making the most of floating shelves, greenery and design that’s both parts practical and eye-catching.

Painted wall pockets

Perfect for the bathroom, repurpose containers and cut in half to attach to your wall. Paint in different neutral tones and you have your own stylish storage compartments.

Image Source: The Lovely Drawers

Subtle styling

Create depth by painting a feature piece the same colour as your walls. This is a nice addition if you already have a two-tone feature, it won’t overpower the space but compliment the look.

Image Source: Inzpired

Dark contrast

Incorporate a floating shelf in contrast to your walls that already focus on a dark to light element. Style with décor and plants to complement this subtle design.

Image Source: Live Loud Girl

Hanging greenery

Subtly blend hanging plants within a feature wall to incorporate a natural look. This style works particularly well in a kitchen space, where the colours will compliment your usual kitchen accessories and food on display.

Image Source: Tia Borg Smidt

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